Show whole topic Apr 07, 2008 9:24 am
Peter S30 Offline
Registered since: Nov 27, 2007
Location: Germany

Subject: oil in water
Here is an image of the 3litre now companion of my V12. I bought it knowing about the problem with the motor, but not knowing yet how much of a problem it will be.

The second image shows a look into the oil and water: brownish-oily in the water and white emulsion in the oil. Head gasket or crack in block or head, or the wet liners lower end seal ? Helpless

I was told that ompression of number 6 cylinder is low , I will measure how low and how the others are. I hope for a combination of wet liner seals plus head gasket. But I think the motor is ready annywhay for a complete overhaul.

Tips on the topic welcome (repair manuals, what to avoid, specialties on this motor..)


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