Show whole topic Apr 28, 2011 6:36 pm
Julian Offline
Registered since: Dec 04, 2007
Location: Belgium

Subject: Re: BARN FINDS : Will they continue to appear ?

Very interesting subject!

May I join in with a few views from different sides!

I hear a lot about "Replica" this and "Replica" that but what "actually is a "Replica" ?

I say it is a complete newly made copy (such like the new Auto Unions and Mercedes cars being made now) and thus are a "Complete Replica" AND I MEAN NO DIS-RESPECT BY THIS!

Where as a plastic SS100 Jaguar on XJ6 running gear for example is not a replica but a new car resembling X Y or Z.

On the other hand we have an M45 Saloon with a dead body.
Yes we can restore the body, but what if we need to replace 95% of the frame and panels? We will then have an original M45 with a "Replica" saloon body! Ok it left the factory with the same type of body but this body is NEW! so not original and not "the original" So our car also is not "Original" although it is to original specification! But so are the Auto Unions! There is a difference and I know that well and truly but there is a very indistinct line between what is and what isn't "original" and on who's interpretation.

Laurence, says he would NEVER buy a "replica" yet he gladly bought a car with a body resembling nothing ever made by Lagonda! I find this very odd but completely respect his thoughts and "thinking" (he just has a different classification of the subject to me) and he is not wrong, just of different opinion on the subject!

If we are to restore this imaginary M45 with a dead body, (or what if we find a complete car with NO body as we have had in on many occasion) and the owner decides that he would rather have an M45 with say a T7 body, the new T7 body if made well, (let us say by one of the best like RJ ltd) will be exactly the same (or as close as any two Lagondas ever were) as every other T7 bodied M45, but it will have a "Replica" body. So in short it will be at the end of the restoration an M45 with a Replica Lagonda Factory body. And so will the car be if Restored with a newly made Saloon body! What is the difference? Again I have my views on how to differentiate but a lot of that is "Gut feeling" rather than something actually definable.

At the end of the day I see it like this.

There are more Lagondas being saved and restored and used because they are fun in whatever incarnation they come back in than would be the case if we all were forced to "preserve" anything and everything that we could of whatever we find! Weather we like it or not, people will pay more for a sports type car than a heavy full bodied car that does not attract the ladies ;o) and when restoring our cars, "Most" but not all of us are forced to think with some consideration to economics! let us face it, not many of us can afford to pile 200k into the restoration of a car that would net us 60k if heaven forbid we were forced to sell it!
The more cars being saved from scrap the better! Totally original or not!

My view?
In short, unless it's my money then it's not my choice!
I too like saloons, (I have even bought a few just to stop them being molested, and refused to sell them for the same reason) but I like more to see working cars being loved and used than dead wrecks getting worse because no one wants them for what they are or were!

Happy motoring,