Show whole topic Aug 02, 2011 8:33 am
Peter S30 Offline
Registered since: Nov 27, 2007
Location: Germany

Subject: Re: Progress on V12027
Dear Peter,

nice input, this will help me when I start a general overhaul of my V12 engine (as soon as I find time and courage to start). The domed nuts is a good idea to prevent water creeping through the threads and looks good. How do you seal the bottom? with an aluminium washer? On my engine this was not a problem so far, I have put enough sealant on the plate faces when I had removed them once but a friendīs V12 has water trickling through the threads on the waterplates.

Can you add a photo of your crankshaft to see the shrunk on ring? how did you shrink it on (assuming it cools down very fast when touching the big cold mass of the crankshaft?