Show whole topic Jan 15, 2008 8:48 am
Peter S30 Offline
Registered since: Nov 27, 2007
Location: Germany

Subject: Re: New Exhaust
may I add my main questions for the moment:

who has experience with one or two silencers on each side ? The original factory drawing (like reproduced in Arnold Daveys book page 137) shows two silencers. Also the attached drawing from his book page 124. My car now has only one each side. The same is shown in an image of a rebuilt chassis in the Holthusen book. It might be that in more sporting open cars they had one and in closed cars two ? Or the factory installed two and later the second was left away (saving money, less restricting to breathing of the motor ?)

what is the correct diameter of the pipes and how did they end on the car (in an angle towards the outside or parallel) ? Little details only but does not cost more to make it correct

thank you for some feedback, Peter

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