Show whole topic May 25, 2012 10:53 am
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

My records differ for 126.

Agent agreed was Brooklands of Bond Street.

Delivered to Agent on 7th March 1963

Delivered and Guarantee Period on 8th March 1963 (In acordance with the Log Book and Build Sheet). I had double checked these details with Aston Service, Dorset who hold the Build Sheets and kindly sent me a copy of documentation in their file for a nominal fee.

However, please do note, that both the Build Sheet and the original Log Book (which I have) state the original purchaser / owner was Beaconsfield Films and not a Mr. Thomas.

However, what I an after is when the car was actually built and ordered, if I am correct all these cars were to personal order, and not the final delivery date.

I guess a phone call call to AM Heritage would be in order, to find out some more details.

The possibility exists of course that the British Pathe archive has made a mistake with the year for the Motor-Show.

However, 1962 was the year the Ford Cortina and Triumph Spitfire both debuted, and they both have prominent roles in this film. The Cortina gets a starring role right at the begining as well.

The title words give another clue, to the UK's earlier application to enter the Common market in 1962, a failed application and again in 1967.

There is also a full length Pathe film for highlights of the year 1962, with the same moto-show clip on it in black and white.