Show whole topic May 27, 2012 7:47 am
petemick Offline
Registered since: Dec 19, 2010
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Subject: Re: Combined ,oil,water,fuel and amp guage
It is Cotal switch you can see in the picture. My car 16027 was, I,m told, the only one fitted with this gearbox in the factory.
It seems to work fine but I started a full renovetion as soon as I bought the car and it has been in that state for 18 months now,progress is slow but worthwhile.
The car was shipped from UK to South Africa in 1949 but as the factory card is reported missing I have not been able to obtain more information, can enybody assist ?
I found a French company on the web who offered a lot of assistance on Cotal but I cannot remember the name.

cotal gearbox.JPG
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