Show whole topic Nov 20, 2012 11:28 am
cahallett Offline
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
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Subject: Re: Power At Last
Hello Colin,

Thanks for the reply, I remember reading in a very old club mag about a 16/80 fitted with 21" wheels and a form of bar added to the front axle to battle 'axle tramp'.

I was actually looking for better road capabilities on unmade rough roads.
We have just returned from India and the 18" wheels found the road surfaces challenging.
It would also give an extra 34mm in ride hight if fitted with Blockleys.

As for a single carb, the twin SU carbs fitted are very sensative to adjustment on the road/altitude etc.. so the idea was to fit a suitable single carb with a good airfiter to allow easier adjuatment.

Obviously all of the above will effect cruising speed, but this is not the priority when travelling on these types of road.

Best Regards

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