Show whole topic Mar 02, 2014 10:06 am
davidbracey Offline
Registered since: Aug 10, 2012
Location: Maidstone, Kent

Subject: LG45 fuel gauge face -plea for help!!
Dear all,

I sent my perfectly complete but not functioning fuel and temp gauge away for servicing 6 months ago. When it finally returned the incompetent idiot reassembled it with the temperature face missing and a note to say that as there was no face he couldn't check the calibration. No mention of where it had gone! An argument is ensuing but my hopes of him finding the missing face are not good and I can't wait another 6 months for him to fit it even if I trust him.

I have photos that show that the face was in the original gauge but they are not clear enough for me to copy or reproduce but. I think my best bet is to remake one and fit it myself.

Does anyone please have a good quality photo they could share with me? I have attached a photo of my gauge in its current sorry state.


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