Show whole topic Apr 30, 2014 8:55 am
Peter S30 Offline
Registered since: Nov 27, 2007
Location: Germany

Subject: Re: 2 litre cylinder compression question
I was looking for a 2 or 3ltr LC for a long time and I fell in love with this one (especially the red leather..) compression problems or not. There was quite some work to do on the cylinder head and I was very happy that a good friend and Lagonda Club member did this for me. The car came with 2 cylinder heads, the one mounted is downdraught but the standard one came with the car. Both needed new seats, valve guides, valves etc. There should be thimbles on the valves which were missing too. Putting them in changes the timing so this had also to be redone (front cover of engine off). It runs good and strong now, with good oil pressure. There will be some more little things to do and you will certainly find now some more contributions in the 2ltr section !

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