Show whole topic Oct 12, 2015 3:33 pm
cahallett Offline
Registered since: Apr 02, 2012
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Subject: Re: Effect of the Advance & Retard Lever
Hello Rich,

I would get a new set of plugs (NGK AB6 or AB7 are good for the 16/80) and gap them correctly (0.018" or 0.020").
I would then check that your magneto’s points are gapped correctly (0.012").

Definitely check that your Ki-Gas is screwed home fully.
Check also that both carburettors pistons drop smoothly & simultaneously (stick a finger in both carbs at the same time, lift up the pistons and then let them drop. Both should make a nice clunk at the same time (if they don’t or if they take too long to drop, take off the dash pots and give them a good clean with WD40, then refitting with a small drop of bicycle oil under the cap. If that doesn’t do it then you need to check that the jets are centred correctly.

With regard to retard/advance, it depends a lot on how your car has been set up.
I think the recommended 16/80 fully advanced set up is 45degrees before TDC but with modern fuels it can be as much as 54degrees as on my car.
For sure if you start the car in the fully advanced position, it will not idle smoothly & probably sound like its missing a beat or two until the engine has warmed up considerably (it will also probably stall).
I always start fully retarded which on my engine gives a nice smooth idle and advance it to near full if the car is warm and as soon as I pull off (fully advanced once nice and warm).
I only find the need to retard the engine slightly on very steep hills when the power is coming off or in very slow town traffic & then not by much.

You will like Bill advised get the feel for what your cars wants with use.

Actually having just re-read what I have written, just fully retard the mag and give your car a start.
Then if it still sounds like it’s not firing nicely on all cylinders, check all of the above.

You will want to check out all of the above at some point soon anyway (along with correct valve/tappet clearances).

Once you are up and running I would highly recommend a visit to a rolling road.
They will be able to get your engine timed up perfectly and it will not only give you optimum performance but better fuel economy.

Best of luck