Show whole topic Nov 23, 2017 1:04 pm
bruffsup Offline
Registered since: Aug 09, 2010
Location: Canada

Subject: Re: 14/60 Sump
It probably can be welded but it is not an easy process as it has to be preheated , super clean bolted down to prevent distortion and then put back in the oven so that it cools slowly. The aluminum is full of contaminating oil. A much easier and permanent "mechanical" repair can be done using high end epoxies such as this Follow the instructions carefully. Use some steel mesh for added strength. I repaired my sump and one brake backing plate this way.
After you have repaired it, paint it with glyptal or another type of paint used in electric motor armature sealing.Aluminum castings pre ww2 are notoriously porous.

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