Show whole topic Dec 10, 2007 9:12 pm
rich644 Offline
Registered since: Dec 10, 2007
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Subject: Creating a Rapier knowledge base on line?

Glad to see someone taking the initiative to create this forum.

I have a '34 Abbott tourer and would love to see photos of other owners' cars to aid the restoration.

While I love the monthly Rapier register, it lacks detailed photos and its not really searchable. Which is a shame because there are scores of valuble technical tips as well as hundreds of photos that have been published over the decades. If there were anyway to merge that extremely useful body of knowlege with an online support community (such as this) it would not only make the restoration and maintenance process easier, it could help preserve the Marque for generations to come.

I'm interesed in suggestions on how we may accomplish this.

