h14 Sep 03, 2011 3:40 pm
Subject: Re: "Lagonda car bonnet badges" on ebay: fakes

Hi all,

The fake badges are back; if I've got it right, link herewith.

330609740791.htm (Filesize: 86.30 KB)

TVJL Sep 03, 2011 10:03 pm
Subject: Re: "Lagonda car bonnet badges" on ebay: fakes

It may be that these are not fakes.

I think that I am right in saying (although very happy to be corrected) that two versions of badge were used on the Aston Martin Lagonda aka 'the Wedge' or 'Towns' V8 Lagonda cars. One is a 'flat' badge enameled in red and white with wings that are more 'feathered' in appearance than those of the badge in your attachment. This badge had the word 'ASTON' surmounting the left hand wing and 'MARTIN' the right hand wing.

The second type of badge looks very like those in your attachment, although impossible to tell definitively given the quality of the photograph. It, too, was enameled in red and white but was of a more simple design and without the legend(s) (as you can see).