Peter S30 Jun 15, 2008 12:45 pm
Subject: Keep your dreams alive.

found at

Many, many years ago a man said: "Now that I am rich I can buy any car I like. In any showroom I can point out any car and say: I like that one, bring it out, I'll take it. When I was young, things were different. I used to pass this one showroom every day and pushed my nose against the window glass and trying to see myself at the wheel of that great car in there... In a way I was more happy back then. The money gave me everything, but took away my dreams."
Today I would say to the man. It's not your dreams that are gone, it's your fantasy. Did you ever write a book about the best ten curves in the world? Did you ever compose a symphony about a straight eight? Crazy idea or just hard to do? Find something as hard to do as finding money in the time you were young and your dreams will have returned.
(photo courtesy Alexander Kuhlmann who has made it his job to feed the dreams that others have. His most recent production is a poem in pictures on Bugatti )

(Not that I am in the position of the old man, but just to be prepared..)