Colin M34 Jan 23, 2008 9:40 am
Subject: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

Dear Peter,

As global moderator, please stop anyone publicising contact details of third parties without their permission. This is is a gross invasion of privacy for what is a very public forum. Google WILL pick this up! I think just giving names is not so bad, but even then perhaps it should be restricted to traders.

The only exceptions are the Lagonda Club Secretary and Spares officer who have dedicated phone lines for people to contact them. The Lagonda Club Secretary phone number is +44 (0)1252 845451 and the spares officer +44 (0)1728 604040. Of course members can find out contact details for other people from their members' list - or ask the secretary.

Password protection for this site is only partially effective because search engines will find their way round them and log private details... forever!

Sorry for being boring.

Colin Mallett

reevsy Jan 23, 2008 1:07 pm
Subject: Re: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

Hi Colin Your e-mail Stop! Stop! Stop.
Just for your information.
1.  John Woodward is a trader selling used parts for DB Lagondas and as such advertises on the as selling DB Parts including his e-mail address!
2.  I do have permission to give his details
3.  Contacting the spares department of the Lagonda club for DB Post war cars is of little use to car owners as they have very little or nothing!
4.  As all members of this forum are not necessarily members of the Lagonda club they will not have access to the spares secretary. So until this situation is corrected we DB owners have to share whatever information we have in order to keep our cars on the road!
5.  The very essence of a forum is for the exchange of information and ideas pertinent to the forum, then the subject. If we are to be restricted in the use of names etc, how are we to re-fare to past post with relevant information.
6.  The very fact the member of this forum have an internet connection and an e-mail address means that this information is gathered and collated well before they become members of this forum however I do concede e-mail details should not be given without permission.
In my opinion if this Forum is to succeed you will have to take of your IT consultant’s hat and give members a little lea-way. Yes I know your intention are for the best interest and security of the site and its members but most members will have no idea as to why you want to restrict their usage and will simply stop using it. O! buy the way I too am a computer consultant.


Colin M34 Jan 23, 2008 2:50 pm
Subject: Re: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

Thanks for Peter’s useful reply. Let me clarify my views. IMHO a person who is not a trader who has their PRIVATE details publicised by someone else without their permission on this web site is entitled to be VERY upset about this happening. Therefore IMHO the moderator must do his job here and check all postings for this breach of netiquette.

On the other hand, as Peter has rightly pointed out, where people are traders, they will positively welcome publicity, so I am delighted to hear that John Woodward sells used parts for DB Lagondas and I agree the viral marketing is a powerful tool which can be supported by this forum to everybody’s advantage!

Furthermore I sympathise with the DB spares situation. The Lagonda club is trying to address this matter. Remember these were brand new expensive cars when the Club started making spares for the ‘old’ ones! The Lagonda Club would appreciate any help here. It has a DB representative and if anyone is not a member and wants to contact him, ask Colin Bugler for the details - this guy is very keen on helping DB owners keep their cars on the road!

I have to defend my ICT consultant’s hat. I feel that a little ‘netiquette’ and light touch moderation will make all members of the general public enjoy the site, particularly those who are not registered - these are sometimes call ‘lurkers’! Actually, for Lagonda Club members we have a very powerful ‘pseudo identity’ which has been used for more than 50 years. This is the membership code, and I am M34 in the members’ book, page 68. I am also pleased that Peter is a fellow computer consultant. The more the merrier, and anyone interested in industry views on this kind of forum might care to look at
to see why I am concerned with the need for some moderation.

Remember dear readers, you are not sending an email; you are putting details on the web for all to see! Long may this continue! My message to ‘lurkers’ is go buy a Lagonda (any model) and have fun! We do!

By the way, with my ICT consultant’s hat firmly off, IMHO, putting an overdrive in a DB Lagonda completely transforms the car and if anyone cares to contact me privately I will give you details of the cars that I know have been done …..with the owners’ permission!

Regards to all Colin Mallett

Peter S30 Jan 24, 2008 9:58 am
Subject: Re: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

In the next days we are going to change or check:

1. Forum rules will be completed and always easily accessible, e.g. we add: " If you use third parties personal info (like e-mail or phone number) make shure this person has agreed with it. If you recommend a company this can be typically assumed as they want to be promoted. If talking about private persons, please ask him first. "

2. Check boxes in Forum user profiles will be added where the user can accept that other forum users are allowed to use certain of his personal info in this forum like his name or his phone number or his e-mail. So at least for forum members it is easy to accept that you can write "call xy under 1234" or "mail to xy to ask him"

3. there is already an option in posting: the symbol "letter with envelope" converts an email address into an image, so if you give an email adress using this, it will be an image, like bbcodes_email and not as easy for a computer to use it to send spam.

4. have a look e.g. at the bentley drivers club forum (forum rules..) so we should not make life to complicated.

5. This is not a higly secured secret forum, it is public!

Peter Schirg

Peter S30 Jan 25, 2008 2:04 pm
Subject: Re: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

P.S. I hope Colins Stop, stop... has not stopped you all from this forum it is open for usage Smiling

there are other standpoints, see the answer from Peter Reeves

nevertheless, we will change some things as pointed out in my previous post it will take us some hours during the weekend and than I hope to be able to concentrate again on cars (Lagondas)

Peter Schirg

reevsy Jan 25, 2008 3:16 pm
Subject: Re: Stop stop stop!!!!!!

Hi all!
This forum can be one of the most useful tools in your toolbox. I encourage everybody to contribute.

That part and were you got it or how you overcome a problem can be just the answer somebody else is looking for.

This forum is a great asset, use it!

Peter Undecided