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Dec 31, 2011 4:58 pm
Registered since: Dec 31, 2011
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Subject: New Member Introduction by Photo.
I am a new member but until I become more competent with the Site I will introduce myself by a Photo.

Jan 01, 2012 5:30 pm
David Offline
Registered since: Feb 05, 2011
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Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
Michael, you're very welcome and if I can count right you are the 7th owner to join in, the 5th in UK

108, 112, 117/140, 129, 137, 142, 155

Best wishes

Jan 03, 2012 3:11 am
Registered since: Dec 31, 2011
Location: -

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
To Members of the “”.

As I said on my first contribution to the web Site I am a new Member, but I must explain that my son Jay has visited your Site and corresponded with some members, and received very helpful advice which has led to some very significant purchases for my Lagonda. I am very grateful to you all.

I said that I would “introduce myself by sending some pictures”, well I have started preparation but I have run into some problems over the pictures, so there will be a delay. In the meantime I will tell you something about my Lagonda, and forgive me for starting way back in the Lagonda History, which will be well known to many of you, but I may give this text to other friends who have no previous knowledge of Lagonda.

When Stratstone promoted the Lagonda Rapide recently they claimed to be “introducing the world’s most beautiful family car, an Aston Martin Rapide,
providing luxury and comfort, speed and safety, in a car that is suitable for every occasion, and a specification so complete that no additional equipment is required.”

So how have I busied myself for the past 40 years making the following modifications:

(From Front to Back);

Heavy duty Radiator, Kenlow fan, Modified Dynamo Pulley, (to increase RPM and Charge).

Modified Carburettor Air Filter to make space for the Larger Commercial Tandem Master Cylinder, which also has to be accommodated by an insert from the engine bay into the under dash board space, where the Electrical Power Steering demanded Priority space to fit an electric motor and bevel gear drive to the steering column and variable Feedback Electronics to provide power steering from “Finger tip to Original”, which was very difficult with Radial Tyres.

The modified inner front wings to accommodate radial tyres on the front wheels, has made the car a totally different experience, With radial tyres on all wheels there is an improved ride and excellent road holding and cornering. The alteration on the Near Side required a relocation of the Water reservoir (and ”re-plumbing” the car) and complete redesign of the Relays and Fuses, now extended and remounted.

Less visible but equally important is the “Optical Chopper” Distributor and the Transistor Ignition (which the supplier said could not work with a Positive Earth (as on the Lagonda, but I redesigned that), and moved the Coil to a cooler location under the Offside Wing, (it was originally mounted attached to the Windscreen Bottle holding frame, (looking like an ”after thought” rather than a critical component), and suffering from over heating from the exhaust manifold .

The original space under the Offside Front Wing now also accommodates the Air Horns, comprising Triple Trumpets, Compressor and Chord/Sequence; relay. The Brake Fluid Reservoirs have been replaced with brake Fluid level indicators activating a dash board warning lamp.

Inside, the Dash Board has been totally changed and all switches are annotated in Etched Chrome Plating. The crystal controlled clock runs continuously with the Master Switch on or off, and is set via a control in the Glove Box, where there is a polarised connector for trickle charging the battery.

Rear Passenger comfort ha been assured by ducted hot air to the rear passengers feet from a heat exchanger under the rear seat, also fully recoiling seat belts are fitted to all seats.

The Interior lighting is part of Logic Design of all of the car electrics, which are too detailed to describe here, but as an example take the Red Warning lights that alert traffic approaching from behind that a Door is Open. On my Lagonda only one light comes on for each of the four doors when open, surely that is what any sensible driver wants to do to alert possible traffic approaching from the rear. But in a DB9 with the driver’s door open there is a red light on in both front doors, including the door that is not open. So what is the light for in the closed door? I asked the DB9 owner and he could not offer any explanation, except that “it was how Aston Martin made it, so I could ask them!”. I admired his touching faith in Aston Martin, but I remain committed to modifying my Lagonda in every way that pleases me, and I certainly could not work with a useless light that comes on because of a design weakness made in 1963 and still uncorrected to the present day.

I have owned my Lagonda Rapide for 46 years, (I acquired it from the first owner when it was only 3 years old (to the month) in 1966.

So I ask, Stratstone ”Where have they been for the past 46 years”, while I have been enjoying the FIRST world’s most beautiful car, the Aston Martin Lagonda Rapide, in my possession now for 46 years?

The credit for this conception goes to David Brown, who wanted an “Enlarged DB4” for his personal use, as a luxury four door, five passenger, “family car”. The craftsmen hand built the Aston Martin Lagonda, and now 46 years later, we are expected to “drool” over the “new” picture of the Aston Martin Rapide. .

My pleasure comes from the fact that I believe that I have a similar car, one that has been owned for a long time, and worked on as a labour of love with limited professional help, and is used whenever we wish by me and my four sons, but only for pleasure, we all have other cars.

My Lagonda is very different to the Original. It is my personal “interpretation” of a Lagonda Rapide, and it gives me immense pleasure just to look at it. My children will keep it long after my time, so I can say for certain that it will never be for sale. I am often asked “What is it worth ?”. I cannot give a figure because the “market price ” set by recent (but rare) auctions indicate a figure in excess of £100,000.00, but I will NEVER sell it., so it has NO Sale value.

With apologies to lagondaforum members I will add some Lagonda History so that this review of my Lagonda could be sent to non technical friends.

Aston Martin Lagonda Rapide (1961 - 1964 )

Only 55 Lagonda Rapides were manufactured in Aston Martins Newport Pagnell factory between 1961 and 1964. Only 30 of these vehicles are known of to have survived with a further 5 having been scrapped.
At the outset the Rapide was the personal project of David Brown, however, its production run was cut short to accommodate the more popular DB4 within the Newport Pagnell factory. In 1962 a TR4 cost around £1000, the Rapide’s price tag was £4950 which made it a very expensive car.
The Rapide is powered by the same twin cam 4.0 litre (236bhp) engine that was later used in the Aston Martin DB5 (though slightly detuned). The floor pan is based upon a stretched version of the DB4 but with a de Dion rear suspension. The magnesium alloy body is the work of Touring of Milan and is fixed to a Superlaggera frame and steel chassis. For an early 60's British car it had many advanced features such as dual circuit servo assisted front and rear disc brakes, electric windows, rear heated screen and passenger area, electric aerial and remotely operated fuel cap.
Today Rapides rarely come up for sale. In the last few years the majority have been sold by auction for between £65 000 and £85 000.


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Jan 03, 2012 7:46 pm
Registered since: Dec 31, 2011
Location: -

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
TO Jay, and Members of the lagondaforum,

Here at last are the pictures, there are four, but one is absent from the thumbnails but can be opened to full screen.

Enjoy them and let' s discuss them.

Again my special thanks to you All, especially JAY. for my fantastic Christmas present.


Thumbnails of attached images:

Filename: annotated lagonda at gaydon (3).jpg
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Image size: 1600 x 1200 Pixels

Filename: dscf0016.lagonda interior from nsf door (3).jpg
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Image size: 1600 x 1200 Pixels

Filename: dscf0017.lagonda interior osf (2).jpg
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Image size: 1600 x 1200 Pixels

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Filesize: 155.81 KB
Image size: 2048 x 1184 Pixels

This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on Jan 03, 2012 7:53 pm by Michael Clegg..  

Jan 03, 2012 9:07 pm
David Offline
Registered since: Feb 05, 2011
Location: -

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
Dear Michael, thanks very much for posting the images of your car, very fine indeed (and I have seen your car at Gaydon some time ago), and for letting us know what modifications you have done to make your car more useable and enjoyable; I have a long list for mine in readiness for European summer touring in due course, mostly about heat management. I suspect many of us have adapted our cars to suit modern conditions (see especially the images of 115 in Germany on the web, and you can see images of mine if you Google search "Lagonda Rapide", look for NMVx the works demonstrator), in my case fitting the 4-speed auto gearbox and tougher front springs with Koni dampers to stop the car nose-diving under braking. I am intrigued by body modifications to accommodate radial tyres as I've not found that necessary with Avon 205/15; maybe I'm not sprited enough but it seems to surprise modern car owners with its handling dynamics. One boon in mine is the huge Webasto roof which with the wind deflector up ensures draft-free travel in the back seats.

We are looking at ideas for a Rapide reunion in 2012 - might you be interested? By the way, what was Jay's Christmas present?

Jan 03, 2012 11:18 pm
Registered since: Dec 31, 2011
Location: -

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
Through the Lagondaforum contacts Jay obtained and restored a complete set of wheel trims and a genuine Radio (which was not fitted to all Rapides), but now I am among the few who have the radio as Original Equipment, which has yet to have internal updates to give present day audio quality, (all arranged with the resourceful Forum Members).

I would be interested in a Rapide Re-Union in 2012, so keep me posted. If my work prevents my attending douibt less Jay and my eldest son Christopher would be pleased to take part.

'Bye, in haste,

Michael Clegg.

Jan 03, 2012 11:51 pm
randall977 Offline
Registered since: Oct 29, 2010
Location: Oxfordshire

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
Hello Michael

I was very interested to read your post about your Rapide, the modifications you have made and your latest acquisitions. It is also interesting to hear your opinion on the Rapide, as someone who has owned one from nearly new.

I am currently restoring my Rapide feel that I am slowly getting familiar with the car. My radio is original but does not have the illuminated 'Lagonda' badge ('M' instead), so I'm slightly jealous! The interior of your Rapide looks very nice is it original or has it been re-upholstered?

I would love to see a picture of your engine bay if that was possible...

Kind regards, Christian


Jan 04, 2012 12:06 pm
h14 Offline
Registered since: Nov 30, 2008
Location: Chalandray, France

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
How very refreshing to find someone who bought a car they loved when nearly new, & has not been swayed by fashion or so-called improvements to get on the treadmill of buying a replacement every few years.
I prefer older cars than this, and, just a personal view, thought the Rapide a bit awkward styling-wise. But, having seen one since in the flesh, actually found it really attractive...a car that doesn't photo well? Perhaps it's just me!
Returning to the original theme; I cannot comprehend at all, how someone owning a V12 in say 1948 could remotely consider buying a new 2.6 to replace it. Perhaps running costs & pool petrol, rationing etc had something to do with it.

Jan 05, 2012 11:43 pm
jay Offline
Registered since: Nov 12, 2011
Location: -

Subject: Re: New Member Introduction by Photo.
well done ! its great to see the photos,would'nt it be good for a perminate history page that contains the vehicles build history and nos ,where they are together with owners photos and history , so everyone can admire and appreciate how beautifull and rare these cars really are

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