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May 24, 2012 8:58 pm
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David - I knew you would spot this posting and we have put the short clip onto our wide screen and done some resolution enhancement.

However, the quality of the film clip is very poor, my best guestimate is a pale color, so would go with either fawn or white.

Does this help at all, are there any records for which car was the motor-show car in that year, or is there a choice of several possible cars ?

One wonders if there were similar Pathe round-ups for 1963 and 1964 ?

May 24, 2012 9:36 pm
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

Excellent news, I have found the Pathe Film in Techni-Color from 1962 for the London Motor Show, see this link:

The car is my favourite color for a Rapide, Aegean Blue with white-gold or ivory interior, this car looks very familar if I may say so!

This starts at 6.03 minutes on a 6.20 muntes clip.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edit on May 24, 2012 9:46 pm by SRD.  

May 25, 2012 9:44 am
David Offline
Registered since: Feb 05, 2011
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
What puzzles me is the date. For example 117 was first registered in Nov 1962, but there were 2 Aegean Blue cars with white interior, 126 and 129, neither of which had been built by 1962. Could the film be wrongly 1962 but really 1963? There were no Aegean Blue with white before 117. Can Guy shed any more light I wonder?

May 25, 2012 9:54 am
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

May I re-phrase your question.

When were 126 and 129 actually built, or the order taken ?

The reason I ask is my Lagonda 3.0 litre dhc, car was built/ ordered on 28/10/1954 and delivered on 04/1955?

My car 126 has a fair few extras changes to normal spec, and one wonders if it is 126 or 129. If I cam correct 129 has picnic tables, what a shame there is no view of the back-seats, since mine are the special sculpted type, to allow for people with longer legs to sit comfortably in the back.

Would the AM factory have any records which car they took to the motor-show or the Motor Show organisers them selves (or too many changes of management) ?
This post has been edited 1 times. Last edit on May 29, 2012 10:20 pm by SRD.  

May 25, 2012 10:16 am
David Offline
Registered since: Feb 05, 2011
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
According to my records, 126 was delivered by Brooklands of Bond Street to a Mr Thomas under order number BS12819 on 8 Mar 1963. 129 was delivered to Eton Garages on 21 May 1963 under BS12851. There is definite evidence that 148 was a London Motor Show car, most likely in 1964 (in my view)

May 25, 2012 10:53 am
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

My records differ for 126.

Agent agreed was Brooklands of Bond Street.

Delivered to Agent on 7th March 1963

Delivered and Guarantee Period on 8th March 1963 (In acordance with the Log Book and Build Sheet). I had double checked these details with Aston Service, Dorset who hold the Build Sheets and kindly sent me a copy of documentation in their file for a nominal fee.

However, please do note, that both the Build Sheet and the original Log Book (which I have) state the original purchaser / owner was Beaconsfield Films and not a Mr. Thomas.

However, what I an after is when the car was actually built and ordered, if I am correct all these cars were to personal order, and not the final delivery date.

I guess a phone call call to AM Heritage would be in order, to find out some more details.

The possibility exists of course that the British Pathe archive has made a mistake with the year for the Motor-Show.

However, 1962 was the year the Ford Cortina and Triumph Spitfire both debuted, and they both have prominent roles in this film. The Cortina gets a starring role right at the begining as well.

The title words give another clue, to the UK's earlier application to enter the Common market in 1962, a failed application and again in 1967.

There is also a full length Pathe film for highlights of the year 1962, with the same moto-show clip on it in black and white.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edit on May 25, 2012 10:59 am by SRD.  

May 25, 2012 11:32 am
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

Further developments from information received this morning from the Archive Curator at AM Heritage Trust;

101 - at Paris MotorShow in 1961

105 at London Motorshow in 1961

110 at New York Motor-Show in April 1962 (117R was works demonstrator).

See this link in black and white:

The car not visible, just checked.

102 (broken up ? and 104 (left hand drive) taken to Geneva Motor-Show in 1961/62

Motor-Show Records for October 1962 not available at AMHT.

Am now trying to speak to Mr. Lancey, possibly has further records regarding to the Rapide.
This post has been edited 5 times. Last edit on May 25, 2012 12:26 pm by SRD.  

May 25, 2012 11:55 am
David Offline
Registered since: Feb 05, 2011
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
Reading the last 2 posts, the Brooklands records are broadly consistent with the build sheets; sadly my record does not show the date when Brooklands received 126 (or 129) from AML. It is also conceivable (50 years on) that there is scope for ambiguity between delivery say, and change of title

I wonder therefore if Mr Thomas was an employee or director of Beaconsfield Films, e.g. Company Secretary, Finance Director, Chairman's chauffeur etc?

Your evidence about 1962 being the year does seem strong.

So I wonder if the car in the film was painted for the show and later changed to another colour? E.g Black pearl. But we found no evidence in 117 when we did the bare metal respray that it had ever had a blue coat under the black, for example

May 25, 2012 12:08 pm
SRD Offline
Registered since: Mar 12, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
David hi

My record on the build sheet, appears to show that Brooklands received 126 on 7th of March 1963.

See this html for a nice period view :

I suspect then that your Mr. Thomas may have been a Finance Director or more likley the Chauffeuer entrusted to pick up the car, but it was not registered in their name. The first owner name is very clear on all other records including with DVLA, but of course in Company Name.

if you look over the log book of 126, you will see the name appears to be N A W?...s (hard to read surname, could be Thomas, I really can't tell, take a look and let me know what you think), company secretary, is how this perosn who signed for the car was listed.

Would you mind forwarding to me please this other information:

"Brooklands of Bond Street to a Mr Thomas under order number BS12819 on 8 Mar 1963." I would be most grateful for this.

I think the year is correct, and I was going to ask if 117 being the works demonstrator, had been resprayed to another color to suit customers choice, you have beaten me to it!

I have followed up lead with Mr. Lancey, waiting to hear from him, any other suggestions ?
This post has been edited 3 times. Last edit on May 25, 2012 1:43 pm by SRD.  

May 25, 2012 4:08 pm
rapidelover Offline
Registered since: May 09, 2012
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Subject: Re: Lagonda Rapides in films and on TV
I think I can shed a bit of light on the identity of Mr Thomas.

'Doctor in Distress', the film which features the Rapide in the clip above, was directed by Ralph Thomas, brother of Gerald Thomas of 'Carry on' film fame.

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